

Sahaj Meditation Technique Sri Ravi Shankar

AOL course teaches the timeless spiritual principles like being in the present moment, accepting everyone and accepting all situations, not being carried away by other’s opinions and not to resist things but accept things as they are.

Transcendental Meditation advanced techniques

In Transcendental Meditation there are several advanced techniques that can be used to meditate.The advanced techniques consist of adding a prefix and/or suffix to the basic mantra.

Transcendental Meditation TM

Transcendental Meditation is a specific and wonderful technique of mantra meditation that has been discovered and developed by the great and famous Gurudev Shri Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 20th century.

Transcendental Meditation and Primordial Sound Meditation

Transcendental Meditation creates a state of dynamic Silence.
Primordial Sound Meditation creates a state of static Silence.
The TM mantras are dynamic mantras, because they are derivations of Shakti mantras. Shakti is the principle of Movement and Vibration. Therefore you get a state of dynamic Silcence, which means that there are still prana flows going on while being in the Silent state. The Primordial Sound Meditation mantras are not Shakti mantras.

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

This is an additional technique to facilitatie the practice of Meditation. By doing this kind of pranayama the meditation becomes easier and the experiences during meditation become more clear and profound.
The Nadi Shodhana Pranayama is the easiest pranayma and also the basis of all other pranayama techniques.

Primordial Sound Meditation BEEJ BEEJA BIJA MANTRA MANTRAS

I think I have discovered the mantras that Deepak Chopra uses in his famous Primordial Sound Meditation. I have been initiated also and I have some knowledge of mantras and meditation, so I can tell.